So to illuminate what I mean, I know that I need to tell a few stories, but it's hard to know where should I start. I could go all the way back to my 6th birthday really with 1%-er baby stories, but, those will always be there and I can call on them at a later date. Today, I think I will start with yesterday.
Yesterday was the last day of school in 2009 for my 4 year old. Actually, we just call it school for her sake, she really goes to an at-home daycare that gets 2 weeks of paid vacation, while I have to use my sick time to stay home with my kid, as I pay my babysitter to, be on vacation. ANYWAY... yesterday was her Christmas party. I was already staying home yesterday because my step-sons (3 & 4) are in for the holidays and we do not have the money to pay 2 babysitters. Since it was her Christmas party, I thought I would go ahead and take her to "school" even though I was staying at home, so she could exchange gifts with her little friends. After getting all 3 kids dressed, and fed it was already 10:00. Which, of course, meant that I had to hustle since my babysitter doesn't like the kids to be brought in any later than 10:30, and I live 2o minutes away (need to stop bashing my babysitter now I think, she actually does a great job, just has some crazy rules that irritate the crap out of me at times- but moving on), so I ran out to my garage to find the 3rd car seat and, lo and behold, my garage has eaten it. 20 minutes of going through boxes, moving huge Rubbermaid containers filled with God-knows-what, to no resolution.
So on to Austin we went, sans car seat. Now, you may be saying Brittany, big friggen deal, garages eat stuff all the time, for everyone, that doesn't make you special... just wait. The story's not over yet.
The entire way there, Ella (my 4 year old) is sitting a good head and a half lower than the boys, as she's in the middle with no car seat, and they are both in car seats, saying that she doesn't want to go to school, doesn't care that it's Christmas party time, wants to stay home. Awesome. Kid- you're gonna have Christmas with your friends and you're gonna LIKE IT!! Maybe not the best response to her, in fact, in hind sight, I should have listened. Would have made my morning a lot smoother. Anyway, we get to the daycare, after all of the contents (and I'm talking tiny contents) of both boys backpacks spill onto the floor of my new-ish Tahoe. I so, don't even care about that at this point, just let me drop off one of the kids with no incident and we'll clean that up later. So, as we are getting out of the Tahoe, Ella slips on one of the boys cracker containers on the floor, and grabs ahold of the door handle she's getting out from. Crackers smash into a million, peanut buttery little pieces on the floor, and the window rolls down on the side door she grabbed. Ugh... fun times. Oh well, no tears, and the window can stay down for a minute while I run Ella into the daycare, that way I can hear the boys, it works out. So I drop off Ella (who still hasn't changed her tune, still does not want to be at daycare, does not want to have a Christmas party, though the gifts do look intriguing...) as she inspects the gifts I run out the door to prevent the "mommy-you-can't-leave-me" tears we get nearly every morning at drop off.
I go out to the Tahoe where the boys are waiting patiently, but coldly (it's December people, yes it may be Texas, but it still gets cold) and the window will not roll up. Great. So I ran to the driver's side door and tried that panel. No luck. Locked the window lock, and then unlocked it. Tried again. No luck. GERRREAT. It's friken cold outside, I'm broke as no other, and my effing window will not roll up. And the boys are freezing in the back seat.
So, to save face, I drove away from in front of my baby sitter's yard, around the corner, stopped and tried again. As I'm trying to get the blasted little switch thingy to work, it breaks off- marvelous. AND the boys of course are not dressed for driving with the windows down in December, as my husband's ex sent exactly 1 long sleeved shirt, 1 short sleeved shirt and 1 sweater, for 2 boys for 3 weeks. She's special, and apparently, not especially good at math. So, my options at this point are to take it to the dealer and pitch a b!+@# fit because I just bought this car in June (and still probably have to pay some ridiculous amount of money to fix the thing), or go home and tape a tarp to the window. Not so excited about my options.
I decide to go to the dealer and take my changes. Driving with a tarp is something I reserve for days when... oh hell, I hope days I don't see anytime soon, but who are we kidding. Anyway, I drive with the window down (after tying Ella's pink scarf around Jacob's head like Aunt Jamima's hanky) to the dealership. Once I got there, I stepped out in all my pajamaed glory, to find the only non-English speaking sales rep I've ever met at a car dealership. He signs for a mecahnic to come over, and in 2 seconds, rolled up the window and told me that I just had it locked. ARG!!!! switch is still broken, but the window is up, and that's all I care about for the moment.
SO, we go home, thankful to have the window up and walk in the door, where I promptly knock one of Ella's ceramic tea-set pots off the refrigerator and smashes into a million pieces. Fabulous. While I'm cleaning this up, I realize that I had not fed the dog yet, so I grab the food and open the back door to feed the dog, and... the friggen house alarm goes off! We've been in house for 20 minutes and NOW the alarm goes off!?!? This, of course, comes after the alarm went off because Joey set off the alarm 2 nights previously to have the Leander police come by and give us a verbal warning (with a promise of a citation the next time) for not having a "security system permit." Amazing....
SO this is my day in the 1% yesterday. Stay tuned for more fun times to come. Never a boring life in the 1%. :)
Hilarious and definitely the 1%!!! keep writing, this is great stuff~